Friday, February 20, 2009

Five Guilty of Forcing Women into Prostitution by SCC Student Stefhany Houghton

My article is titled "5 guilty of forcing women into prostitution in LA" published February 12, 2009 in the International Herald Tribune. This article is short and to the point, and it's title is self explanatory. But I found this article to be very interesting because it brings into prospective the reality that human trafficking is occurring here in the United States, it is not just a foreign issue, where we as the "stronger" nation sends money to help or people to volunteer, this is an issue that is affecting our country as well.

Most people are not even aware that these situations happen and that these horrible people exist, imagine having the woman you employed to clean your house be a slave that has been smuggled in here to be sold like an object, a woman who is being threatened with physical and emotional abuse if she doesn't't do her job right. We as Americans are not aware that these things happen here too, we are the main attracters of human trafficking, therefore we are not immune to this issue. Our country is the reason these horrible people are able to easily convince young, uneducated girls to be brought here with false promises of brighter futures, so we should try our best to help these victims and help them truly obtain that brighter future. Visit Web Site

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