Friday, February 20, 2009

SCC Celebrates Feb 27th Global Anti-Slavery Day!

Seminole Community College Students Celebrate Anti-Slavery Day to End Slavery. This year, on February 27th, SCC will be participating inthe 1st annual Anti-Slavery Day. Colleges and Universities from allover the country will be working to raise awareness about modern-dayslavery.

Currently it is estimated that 27 million people are held in some form of slavery. Most people’s images of slavery is the one of slave ships and plantations. But today’s slavery exists in a verydifferent form and transcends all types of labor. Slaves are no longera long-term investment, they are merely disposable tools which areused to increase profits. Most slaves are forced to work inagriculture, mining, and prostitution. Often slaves work in factoriesthat feed our global economy, like cocoa, cotton, oriental rugs,diamonds and silk.

It is important to realize that sweatshops and other exploitive laboris, although terrible, not slavery. Sweatshop workers and migrantlaborers are exploited by being paid very little, forced to work longhours and often abused at their workplace. Slaves are subjected to allthese conditions, but additionally they have lost their free will andthey cannot walk away. Most slaves are paid nothing at all, and thephysical and psychological violence used against them is so completethat they cannot escape their condition as a slave.

Slavery is illegal in every country although it exists in almost everycountry. The vast majority of the world’s slaves are in SouthAsia. Although, Africa and South America both have large numbers ofslaves in some areas. The problem of increased trafficking intocountries in North American, Europe, South East Asia, has left many ofthose countries with an increase of slavery.

Slavery is universally seen as a violation to our basic human rightsand yet it continues to exist. If you would like to join our effort toeradicate slavery please contact _. Together we can end this globalinjustice!

and as heart beats bring percussionsfallen trees bring repercussionscities play upon our souls like broken drumsredrum the essence of creation from city slumsbut city slums mute our drums and our drums become humdrumscause city slums have never been where our drums are fromjust the place where our daughters and sons becomeoffbeat heartbeatsslaves to city streetsand hearts get broken and heartbeats stopbroken heartbeats become breakbeats for niggas to rhyme on top,but…::Saul Williams::

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